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一个不断发展的模式 共享的住房 has recently completed the first building of it’s kind in Vancouver. 温哥华市有 打开 计划中的四个中的第一个 社区土地信托基金 (此时)项目, providing 358 new guaranteed affordable housing units in a rapidly escalating real estate market. 一旦完成, these projects operate as housing co-ops for their...

通过TH!NK by IBI



一个不断发展的模式 共享的住房 has recently completed the first building of it’s kind in Vancouver. 温哥华市有 打开 计划中的四个中的第一个 社区土地信托基金 (此时)项目, providing 358 new guaranteed affordable housing units in a rapidly escalating real estate market. 一旦完成, 这些项目以住房合作社的形式为居民提供服务, but the development project behind the scenes is quite different from a traditional co-op. A CLT either purchases or is given parcels of land that are then held by a non-profit manager for the benefit of the community. 以温哥华为例 社区土地信托基金 Foundation is the “non-profit society serving as the real estate development arm of the 卑诗省合作住房联合会. (他们的)使命是获取, create and preserve affordable housing for future generations with a focus on development and redevelopment of co-operative and non-profit housing.” Vancouver’s CLT holds a 99 year ground lease on City of Vancouver properties valued at $25 million dollars.

Graphic describing the 社区土地信托基金 model for the City of Vancouver

温哥华社区土地信托的组织结构. 点击这里查看大图.  图片来源: 卑诗省合作住房联合会

解释水平理论是 different from other forms of affordable housing because they tend to operate like real-estate developers, 但是没有投机的压力. 解释水平理论是, 从一开始, 更便宜, 尤其是在物价昂贵的城市, because the cost of the land is removed from the cost of the housing. 以温哥华模式为例, the City and it’s partners have provided the $25 million dollars that would otherwise be needed for the land and passed this forward to those buying or renting the units. 另外, the non-profit organization that acts as the manager can have a diverse portfolio and leverage their multiple assets to buy new assets and redevelop others. 解释水平理论是 flexible to changing community needs and are equipped by their mandate to put the interests of the community first, protecting them in the long term from pricing out low and moderate income residents. The director of the Co-operative Housing Federation says, in the video below,

“让合作公寓如此美妙的东西, intimate communities are just the things that make it difficult for co-ops to protect their assets over time and to grow. And every housing co-op is a one off housing provider and that makes it very difficult to pool those assets, 利用它们, to either protect what co-ops already have or to expand and grow- and that’s exactly what a land trust can offer.”

For more information about the challenges and potential benefits of 社区土地信托 in Vancouver, check out this report by the False Creek South Neighbourhood Association, 题为“社区土地信托: The Solution to Metro Vancouver’s Housing Affordability Crisis?” 另外, a February 2017 article by Frances Bula in the Globe and Mail, 题为“How community land trusts could help build affordable Vancouver housing,说明了这种模式对温哥华的承诺. Is this Vancouver’s best hope for building and maintaining affordable housing in the current housing crisis? 早期的结果看起来很有希望.


图片由 萨沙&达莎Bakani on Unsplash
